
Pickled Pink Experiment

Because they are so bright and cheerful, and because they have a crisp juicy zing, I keep buying radishes. I use three or four of them in a salad, then put the rest in the refrigerator to save for later use. Within days, they degenerate into a wrinkled, saggy unappetizing mess, so I throw them away and then days later start the cycle again. This pattern gives me twinges of guilt every time I head to the trashcan with my lumpy brownish radishes, and so today I’ve decided to put a halt to the waste. This afternoon when I opened the fridge, there sat the radishes I bought two days ago, already losing their luster, already showing signs of the wrinkles to come. Determined to avoid the shameful trashcan walk, I pulled the radishes out, cut them into slices slightly larger than matchsticks, and put them in a Tupperware container. I gathered together sugar, salt, black pepper, coriander seeds, and two types of vinegar—cider and red wine, stirred everything together until I was happy with the flavor, and then poured the mixture over the sliced radishes. The radishes are pickling in the refrigerator, and later this evening I’ll do a taste test with my friend. Hopefully I’ll have managed to avoid yet another walk of shame.


Kate T.W. said...

'the friend' says they were delicious!

An Hour In the Kitchen said...

ymmm. Once our radish harvest (hopefully) comes in I'm going to try that!

What you really need is a little worm bin on your back porch. Composting lessens the food waste guilt...

JJN said...

I love quick pickles, Ellen, and I've never thought to do one with radishes!

Thanks for the inspiration!